Planning Commision Scheduled to Tour Shadowbox Project Site on Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2023 @ 4:10 p.m.

Planning Commision Scheduled to Tour Shadowbox Project Site on Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2023 @ 4:10 p.m.
February 20, 2023 pcpoa

The Planning Commission is scheduled to conduct a study session on February 21, 2023, to tour multiple projects on the Planning Commission forecast for 2023.


  • The meeting will convene at 4:00 PM in the Council Chambers at City Hall.
  • A City bus will take the Planning Commission and City staff to the various project sites.
  • Staff anticipates arriving at the Shadowbox Studios Project Site at approximately 4:10 PM.
  • The site tour is expected to take 15 to 20 minutes to allow the Planning Commission to view the project site.
  • Once complete, the bus will depart from the Shadowbox Studios Project, at approximately 4:30 PM, to make a site visit for a separate project that is on the Planning Commission forecast for 2023.


Any interested parties are encouraged to meet at the project site at approximately 4:10 PM. Access will be provided from 12th Street.


Please note that this is a site visit and is not a formal public hearing for the project. This study session will provide the Planning Commission an opportunity to see various project sites and gain insight of the context of each project.