The by laws of the Association require that an accurate membership count be maintained by the Board Of Directors, and that a membership application be on file from each member of the Placerita Canyon Property Owner’s Association. Any person owning REAL PROPERTY within the Canyon qualifies for membership in the Association. Members shall be entitled to ONE vote per each RESIDENTIAL parcel of real property owned within Placerita Canyon. There are no dues or fees associated with membership in this Association.
We are asking persons desirous of becoming a member of the Placerita Property Owner’s Association to fill out the membership application, provide proof of ownership of REAL property within the canyon and forward that information to the associations business office. Their address is shown above. Proof of ownership is your property tax bill or a copy of a grant deed with your name and address of the property, showing that you own the property in the canyon – a utility bill is not sufficient. Please attach a photocopy of that document to the application for our records.
If you have questions about membership, please call Annette Mathews, (661) 287-9006.