PROJECT: Placerita Meadows Development Project
PROJECT LOCATION: East of Railroad Avenue, north of 12th and 13th Streets, south of Placerita Creek, and west of a Metropolitan Water District
Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (APNs) 2834-001-007; 2834-001-
012 (-015); 2834-002-046; 2834-003-044; 2834-004-045; 2834-
005-041; 2834-006-041; 2834-007-045; 2834-008-039; 2834-
010-043; 2834-011-021; 2834-012-023; 2834-013-041; 2834-
014-043; 2834-015-021; 2834-016-041; 2834-017-021; 2734-
020-111; 2834-020-114; 2834-021-134; and 2734-022-067,
Community of Saugus
PROJECT APPLICANT: Newhall Development Partners, LLC
MEETING DATE & TIME: Thursday, June 27, 2019 at 6:00 PM
MEETING LOCATION: Santa Clarita City Hall, Century Room
23920 Valencia Blvd., Santa Clarita, CA 91355
MEETING FORMAT: City staff and project consultants will be available at the scoping meeting to provide information on the project and the environmental review process. Comment cards will be provided for written comments regarding the scope of the environmental areas to be
analyzed. You may submit your written comments at the meeting or any time prior to the end of the comment period.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed project would develop 310 two-story, single family, detached homes, with related infrastructure, open space, trails, recreation, and landscape elements, on 93.56 acres of land in the Placerita Canyon area of Santa Clarita, CA. The residential lot sizes would range in size from 2,500 to 4,500 square feet. Homes would be clustered in three neighborhoods within a 55-acre rectangular area comprising a majority of the project site, bordered by Railroad Avenue on the west, 12th and 13th Streets on the south, a Metropolitan Water District easement on the east, and Placerita Creek on the north. Several mature oak trees located within the proposed development area would be preserved in place, in accordance with City regulations. Approximately 38 acres of land in the northern portion of the project site would remain open space with the opportunity for hiking and equestrian trail connections in the Placerita Creek area. The project site is located approximately one-half mile from the Jan Heidt Metrolink Station and the Newhall Community Center.
Primary vehicle access would be at the intersection of Railroad Avenue and 13th Street. Additional access would be provided from a new internal street connecting to 12th Street, and from a reconfigured intersection of Placerita Canyon Road/12th Street/Arch Street. This intersection design will accommodate a future connection to Dockweiler Avenue, which is planned to be extended to this point in the indefinite future. The existing at-grade railroad crossing at 13th Street would be retained and improved with an enhanced pedestrian crossing, connecting to downtown
Newhall and to existing bicycle lanes along Railroad Avenue. Access to future residential and recreational land uses would be provided by proposed internal private streets.
Required City Approvals
· Tentative Tract Map to create lots for individual homes and lots for common areas, private streets, and recreational areas;
· Conditional Use Permit for development in a Planned Development Overlay and cluster development;
· Development Review for the physical layout of the proposed site plan;
· Minor Use Permit to permit a floor area ratio (FAR) of less than 0.2 in the Mixed-Use Neighborhood (MX-N) zone; and
· Oak Tree Permit to protect existing mature oak trees on the project site.
ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will be prepared as part of the review of this project. A Notice of Preparation (NOP) of the EIR for the project has been distributed to responsible agencies. The review period for the NOP is from June 10, 2019, thru July
9, 2019. On Thursday, June 27, 2019, at 6:00 PM, the City of Santa Clarita will be conducting a scoping meeting for public input on areas of interest to be analyzed within the EIR.
For further information regarding this project, you may contact the project planner, Mike Marshall, at the City of Santa Clarita, Permit Center, 23920 Valencia Blvd., Suite 302, Santa Clarita, CA Telephone: (661) 286-4045. Website: Send written correspondence to 23920 Valencia Blvd., Suite 302, Santa Clarita, CA 91355. Project Planner:
Mike Marshall, Associate Planner,