We are surprised by the recent news coverage about the status of the City-approved Shadowbox Studio project.
Since 2020, the Placerita Canyon Property Owners Association (PCPOA) has been actively engaged with Shadowbox’s representative, Jeff Weber, working diligently to safeguard the interests of Canyon residents and property owners through independent environmental review studies and negotiations. We are confident that our efforts resulted in the best possible project for our community under the circumstances.
Although we cannot disclose the material terms of our Settlement Agreement with Shadowbox, dated December 15, 2023, we are allowed to share these terms directly with residents in person, which we did during our March Quarterly Meeting and will do so again at our upcoming Annual Meeting on June 22, 2024.
While we have not been notified of any change, should this news evolve into a completely new project you can believe the board will continue its diligence for the next project.
The PCPOA Board of Directors remains committed to preserving the rural equestrian nature of our community and will continue to work towards this goal.
Placerita Canyon Property Owners Association Board of Directors
June 8, 2024
Categories:Announcements, Canyon Issues, Shadowbox Studios, Uncategorized