Dockweiler Intersection Design Concepts
WEB.2020.02.21.PCPOA.DOCKWEILER CONCEPT MAILER 17×11 Design concepts for the Dockweiler/Placerita Canyon Road/12th and Arch Streets intersection(s) to be presented and discussed…
City Council Meeting on Tuesday, July 9, 2019, to award Design Contract for Dockweiler Drive Extension.
City Council Agenda Item on Tuesday, July 9, 2019 agenda regarding Award Design Contract for Dockweiler Drive Extension. According to…
Objections by Placerita Canyon Property Owners’ Association to the City of Santa Clarita’s Proposed Lyons Avenue / Dockweiler Drive Extension Project
PCPOA_FEIR Objections_Final_021818 Letter from Arnold K. Graham to City of Santa Clarita Mayor Laurene Weste and Members of the Santa…
Public Hearing: Final Environmental Impact Report for the Dockweiler Drive Extension at Lyons Avenue
PUBLIC HEARING. TUESDAY, FEB. 27th, starting at 6 p.m., the City of Santa Clarita City Council will address the Final…
Opposition by PCPOA to the Lyons Avenue DEIR Proposed At-Grade Rail Crossing and its relationship to the Dockweiler Drive Alignment Project
PCPOA_Opposition to Lyons DEIR 101317 Letter from Arnold K. Graham, attorney representing the Placerita Canyon Property Owners’ Association, to the…
NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY of a Draft Environmental Impact Report
NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY of a Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Lyons Avenue/Dockweiler Drive Extension Project and NOTICE OF PUBLIC…
Placerita Canyon Special Standards District
The purpose of the Placerita Canyon special standards district (PCSSD) is to protect, maintain, preserve and enhance the secluded, rural…
Proposed Lyons Ave./Dockweiler Dr. Extension
LYONS CROSSING – OPPOSE The PCPOA board believes Market Street is the most logical and viable option, and the City…