2023.05.22.EIR Comment Letter052223 final LH
PCPOA contracted two experts to review the Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and offer their comments. Alex Tabrizi with MAT Engineering, Inc. provided a peer review of the traffic analysis. Retired CalFire Captain Ron Lewin, Resolute Associates, LLC assessed the Draft EIR regarding wildfires and evacuations. Both reports can be found at the link above.
In the link is a letter sent on behalf of PCPOA by attorney Ty Green, Adamski Moroski Madden Cumberland & Green, LLP dated May 22, 2023 to the Planning Commission as our response comments on the Draft EIR for Shadowbox Studios, along with the two reports mentioned. Please read, review, and plan to attend the Santa Clarita Planning Commission Meeting on Tuesday, June 20, 2023 starting at 6 p.m. Final approval is expected, along with conditions of approval, if any. This project will go before City Council sometime in the Fall. If you have any questions for the board, email PlaceritaCanyonPOA@gmail.com