Thank you to all who were able to attend the March 5, 2020 Quarterly Meeting. We heard many express their appreciation for the openness of information presented, ease of speaking one-on-one with City representatives and having the opportunity to voice their opinions and concerns.
Your input is welcomed, encouraged, and highly valued. As mentioned last night, while the vast majority of property owners in the canyon may continue to oppose the Dockweiler Extension, it is in our best interest to provide feedback on the design concept of the intersection(s) we think works best for our community. That said, a Comment Card is attached for your use if you did not receive one already. Yes, we ran out of comment cards last night!
Based on the mailer and design concept illustrations, please provide your input then scan and return to or mail to PCPOA, PO Box 220301, Newhall, CA 91322 by Wednesday, March 11, 2020.
Thank you.